
Demeter's Shimmering Jay

  • Demeter's Shimmering Jay
$45.00 inc. tax
Product Code: CC - Greek - Demeter - ShmJay
Product Condition: New
Demeter’s Shimmering Jay is an extremely helpful companion who helps with big picture thinking and planning. They are able to see things “from above”, helping you to see how different pieces can fall into place, including seemingly unrelated ones. They also help with stoking aspiration and ambition, giving the fuel to get things done and get some momentum started. They reveal greater potential, helping their human consider their life and their capabilities in a new way. They also adjust and align perspective to a path of greater impact, helping one to uncover purpose, or even multiple purposes that might be interwoven.

Demeter’s Shimmering Jays are intellectual and attentive companions who enjoy being around and near their humans. They are charming and very companionable, often having little quirks that make them all the more adorable. Some Shimmering Jaws are super cuties, others enjoy being a sassy nuisance. Their personalities are varied, but they all can bring things into a very helpful perspective and understanding. Above all else, they excel at pulling their human out of a stagnating funk and shaking them around a little bit so they can focus on the present and on their next steps.

Shimmering Jays appear with a plain main color, often brown or grey; softer coloring on their underbelly; a shimmering metallic streak of feathers on their head, striped along their back to their tail with a darker color bordering it. Their wing feathers are also metallic. They are an excellent source of breezy, liberating, and lightening energies. They work excellently with creative individuals and help to build and sharpen mental acuity. People who constantly feel burdened or scattered may find the Shimmering Jay uniquely suited to their needs, but anyone can benefit from their presence. They range from White Art to very light Dark Art, depending on your personal resonance.

Naturally, your connections to the listing's Immortal will improve, but working with them is not necessary to interact with your Conjure successfully. However, if the Immortal takes a liking to you, they may initiate contact.

After the purchase of this conjuration service, please email me at Immortal.conjures@gmail.com and let me know your preferences for the Conjuration and Binding. Binding options are remotely to a vessel or directly to your spirit. The vessel must be something you own as I do not carry physical inventory.

For Legal Purposes, I am forced by law to state that this listing should be considered for entertainment purposes only.

Listing Name and Description © 2024 Azure’s Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.
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