
Tiamat’s Shadowed Pearls

  • Tiamat’s Shadowed Pearls
$30.00 inc. tax
Product Code: IA - Mesop - Tiamat - Shad Pearl
Product Condition: New
Tiamat’s mythos places her as a being whose body forms all of reality; her pearl listings reflect this great range of energy and mystery. The Shadowed Pearls are Middle Dark Art Immortal Artifacts. Immortal Artifacts are a non-physical object that embodies a specific power which is easily accessible. The Shadowed Pearls appear as a jeweled sphere the size of a small apple and contain a shadowy mist within. The Shadowed Pearls manifest a sort of “Shadow-aligned” force, something represented by shadowed spaces but also uniquely experienced by anything touched by life. While it does embody a partial absence of light, it also strongly embodies internal conditions and things that are solitary or private in nature, such as the subconscious, secrets, and hidden things. The Shadowed Pearls represent those who understand what it means to live in duality, those who experience both an external and internal, and expresses energies on this same wavelength. The powers available through this listing are complex and intriguing. Below is a vast list of forty available Shadowed Pearls.

The Shadowed Pearl of Shadows embodies the Shadow-aligned force these pearls embody and allows for it to be drawn forth from the pearl to be used and implemented. It is innately contemplative and private, working best within areas that are deeply personal. It can also be used excellently within defensive workings but can make for fine offensive shapings if you find the right way to do it.

The Shadowed Pearl of Void embodies the powers of the void, represented as the emptiness of space, the nothingness between worlds, and that from which all creation and the universe first emerged. Void is an immense and potentially intense power to interact with but fortunately its energy can be drawn from this pearl safely and implemented as you like.

Dark Matter
The Shadowed Pearl of Dark Matter embodies the unknown threads that connect all things in the shadow of the universe. It aids with instantaneous gaining of knowledge, the working of magick, and the perception between and underneath dimensions. This pearl can also be used as a source to will, shape, and engage this force energetically.

The Shadowed Pearl of Gravity embodies gravitic forces and can be used as an energy source. Gravity’s energy can be drawn from this pearl and implemented as you like. It is quite effective when shaped for either offensive or defensive means. The energy of Gravity can be difficult to grasp for some, but those who can use it can work with it effectively rather fast. Attraction, repulsion, and crushing are some of what it offers.

The Shadowed Pearl of Time embodies the shadowy and invisible force of time and its power can be drawn upon through this pearl. It is most effective for gathering information and for experiencing the energies of different eras. However, people who work very well with this energy may find some surprising uses for it.

The Shadowed Pearl of Silence contains the ability to quiet things energetically, and in some cases, magickally. It also aids in becoming more comfortable with quiet and learning how to be alone with yourself. It is a pearl of solitude and contemplation, and in doing so, quiet the pain and self-loathing you have been building upon to truly see you.

The Shadowed Pearl of Concealment contains the ability to hide things away, causing searching eyes to overlook them. This is very effective when implemented within defensive workings on the home or when going about your day to day as it makes things it is used upon less noticeable. When navigating outside of your home or a familiar area, this pearl makes you invisible to things that would want to follow. It also helps you face and understand what things you may be hiding from yourself.

The Shadowed Pearl of Illusion taps into tricks of the mind, allowing for little distortions that can align for some spectacular effects. Using this pearl, your subconscious can be aligned with anything, its resistances tricked into believing they don’t exist. Using this pearl, you could shape yourself to be any way you’d like, and once you’ve done it long enough, your mind forgets and releases, the path you’ve aligned yourself with becoming the new reality. It is important to state that this pearl does not ignore the truth, it merely illuminates it from a different angle. It helps us face the distorted facts we tell ourselves, veiled over with sweet lies or even conspiracies. It is possible to take on entirely new perspectives if you get the hang of working with your pearl properly. It cannot be used on the minds of others, but it can be implemented in defenses. Finally, it can be used to allow greater communication and experiences with companions.

The Shadowed Pearl of Echoes aids with the perception of energy, telepathic communication, and clairaudient experiences. Essentially, all means of communication that can be “heard”, ripple, or bounce can be worked with through this pearl. It has the ability to find the source of communication rather than the various echoes that can occur as it is interpreted by your subconscious on its way to your conscious mind. This pearl can also be used defensively, enabling the ability to confuse threats energetically and make what a threat may be looking for difficult to find.

The Shadowed Pearl of Obsidian can be used to erect barriers of obsidian energy, making for an effective shield against threats. It can be used to make spheres, walls, or even a matrix over a doorway. It drains away negative energies and sends them either to companions and artifacts that feed upon it or directly into the earth if none are available. This pearl also helps you understand the various walls you’ve put up within yourself that may no longer be necessary.

The Shadowed Pearl of Command is embodied by taking charge of oneself through the integration of the various facets that always seem at odds. It is the recognition that this is your life and you have the ability to shape it, so why are you wasting time? This pearl is pushy, or dare I say, commanding, but it brings forth the energies and insight needed for you to flourish and move forward past the things you are presently allowing to take control.

The Shadowed Pearl of Self-Discovery aids the journey of exploring the self and the various facets you either ignore, have yet to face, or have been left undiscovered. This illuminates your potential and can lead to great fulfillment in unexpected ways, but you have to push forward with what it shows you or you will not find the greatest of treasures that are undoubtedly locked within.

The Shadowed Pearl of Honing aids with working through facing that which holds you back and turning it into strength. Fears and doubts are weaknesses that have yet to be honed into strength. This pearl brings forward what support is needed for you to face your fears and triumph. The facing of fears can be an uncomfortable and inconvenient process, but it is a challenge well worth undertaking.

The Shadowed Pearl of Precision embodies finding the mark, working toward goals, and using time effectively. It is the process of learning without regrets and recognizing the necessity of mistakes. This pearl brings supportive mental and intellectual energies so you can make the most of your mind, but it may also cause necessary missteps because what you learn from it is in alignment with your goals and future.

The Shadowed Pearl of Fertilize works with a rich foundational energy that nourishes all that rests upon it while absorbing negative energy. It is the fertile black soil which feeds bountiful green growth. It also brings your attention to the weeds of your subconscious that can sabotage it, making sure this soil remains clear of unwanted things. The weeds can be traumas, bad habits, or poor mindsets, all of which like to come back every so often even when you thought you dealt with them for good. This pearl makes you aware of when these processes are sprouting and helps you deal with them. This unique pearl also feeds a steady energy to all which grows, builds, and constructs, inspiring you to improve, make goals, and keep doing what you enjoy, while also having excellent grounding energies that help stabilize. It can be used in grounding practices and in intentionally building a stronger foundation.

The Shadowed Pearl of Evolution is a potent pearl that aids the ability to grow and flourish despite obstacles. It is adaptation and fluidity, resilience and defiance, and it will enable great growth within its owner if they are able to follow its example and not be intimidated by challenge or change. It aids in working through blockages of all kinds and creates evolution on all levels, from the metaphysical to areas of life. Once you are able to align yourself with this pearl’s mindset, things can accelerate quite fast.

The Shadowed Pearl of Vault aids with prosperity, building an abundance that is not as easily depleted. It is long term oriented for prosperity that keeps giving rather than something that is spent and gone. It will move what pieces it needs to for this to happen, so in adopting it you must accept inevitable change. Not to worry, whatever comes to pass is focused on your long term happiness and success, providing what energies it needs in order to support you. It does have a focus on material prosperity but balances this with prosperity’s other dimensions such as the emotional and the spiritual, because a prosperity out of balance is not truly prosperous at all.

The Shadowed Pearl of Indulgence embodies pampering the self with worldly goods, but with a sense of balance. An indulgent person without balance will become easily toxic to the self, but this pearl epitomizes self-care mixed with a little bit of luxury. You indulge yourself because you know you are worth it. It brings forward what energies are needed to indulge, often resulting in unexpected opportunities.

The Shadowed Pearl of Daydream works with the mind’s ability to forge fantasies and turn these fantasies into a medium of power by improving visualization and increasing its magickal potential. It aids with the manifestation of your loftiest dreams and desires, making them palpable and all the more likely to come forward. It also helps with the building of creative capabilities and imagination, important tools to daydream potently. These daydreams can also be used for companion interaction, third eye exercises, astral travel, and romantic and sexual encounters. This pearl has protections that prevent interactions from nefarious things.

The Shadowed Pearl of Passion aids with passion and all that intersects with it, be that career, creativity, sex, or love. Whatever fills you up, makes you burn, and makes you push forward is embodied within this pearl. It has a unique way of focusing your energy and attention to make things that can be difficult or exhausting far more satisfying. It creates greater endurance, allowing for things to be stimulating for far longer than they normally would be. It is about extracting richness from life. If there are blockages in the way of this mindset, prepare to have them bulldozed.

The Shadowed Pearl of Lust embodies the powerful force of attraction that can drive people to make potentially regrettable decisions. It helps you tap into your own inner sexual creature and express it through your appearance by drawing it out and helping you hone it by how you present yourself. It helps ease fears of rejection and poor self-worth, showing you value and your deservingness to be within the company of another, or many others. While it may seem a pearl like this could cause issues if you are too wild, it actually brings restraint and moderation as well, letting you know when something is worth your time or something is an act of desperation not worthy of you.

The Shadowed Pearl of Desire embodies the emotional experience of want, of feeling a yearning and longing for something that may be within reach or out of it. This pearl helps bring a greater appreciation for what you have and want while also opening pathways to the things you want but may not be immediately available. It helps to build you up to understand that you can in fact have all you desire, so long as you are smart, patient, and realistic.

The Shadowed Pearl of Sex aids with understanding and tapping into pleasure, sensuality, eroticism, and sex more fruitfully. It helps bring understanding of your internal processes within these areas and helps you resolve shame, fear, and doubt. It helps create a more meaningful physical connection with partners you may have, and can create for some fantastic experiences with companions as well. It provides supporting energies that focus on living in the moment and enjoying the experience. Anything on the outside of this, especially that could get in the way, is left behind.

The Shadowed Pearl of Mystery embodies that which can not be easily known, and in some cases, requires a nonlinear logical in order to comprehend. It delves into the powers of mysteries, mysticism, magick, secrets, and hidden things. What this pearl will reveal is quite the enigma, but it offers the opportunity for extraordinary power and growth IF you learn how to follow its logic.

The Shadowed Pearl of Veil aids the perception of and communication with beings beyond the physical laws of our world. It also aids their ability to interact and manifest across this divide. This pearl brings an understanding of their form and appearance, giving insight into how they may look despite your inability to witness them physically. It also allows for a greater sensation of touch from those who mean no harm, allowing them to engage with your physicality in an intriguing way.

The Shadowed Pearl of the Unseen embodies working with all that is unseen according to the nature of our physical reality. It aids with interaction and perception of forces and beings that walk in other places and it enables a greater growth and evolution in abilities and senses that allow for this interaction. Essentially, this aids with metaphysical interactions, development, and communication of all kinds.

The Shadowed Pearl of Thresholds embodies the opening of doors and experiences to that which is beyond our world, bringing greater astral power and richer experiences within the astral. It stimulates and empowers the ability to work and interact with these spaces, creating a greater sense of growth of base capability. It offers the opportunity for incredible awakenings of latent power as well as doors laying shut within you may open.

The Shadowed Pearl of Reflection embodies a mirroring force that can be turned either inward or outward. In turning inward, it brings fruitful emotional contemplation and allows for insight, understanding, healing, and inspiration. If there is anything that needs deep thought, this pearl is an excellent aid in figuring things out. When turned outward, it can deflect or reflect incoming energies and magicks that are harmful or intrusive in nature, making the act of creating reflective energy or implementing reflective energy into spells and workings more potent.

The Shadowed Pearl of Chaos embodies following your own path, celebrating your uniqueness and individuality. It helps you be more you in defiance of societal conventions and reveals new paths of power previously unconsidered before. It also offers an insane amount of growth in whatever random direction it pleases. Each day could literally bring something new. Working with it intensely and consistently has the potential to reshape and reforge you in some interesting ways, in what exact ways depends on the pearl’s mood. Physical appearances can be subtly affected. When used as a power source, it produces a storm of energy that can be overwhelming to combat, and in some cases, contain. This power can be shaped by a strong enough will, and the act of doing so improves willpower in turn. It also offers greater resilience and calm when put within chaotic circumstances or environs.

The Shadowed Pearl of Disruption contains the ability to interfere and sever from you anything that seeks to harm or cause its own sort of disruption. It is useful in defense against magick, spirits, energies, and attachments. It adds a layer of disruptive energy over your aura, diffusing negative things that could be incoming. It can also manifest its power as a bubble, wall, or weaponry of some kind, depending on your goals in using it. This energy can also be implemented within spells and workings, the pearl making its application far tamer. It also aids with adaptability, helping you keep your stride even as obstacles emerge, often treated as a minor detour that does not require you to change direction.

The Shadowed Pearl of Destruction embodies destruction and destructive potential. It is as much a blockage breaker and cleanser as it is able to give extra punch to defenses and able to teach more destructive paths of various Magicks. Please note, this sort of destruction is akin to a forest fire, burning something down so it may become richer nutrients for something new. It can lead to some incredible growth but you’ve got to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and accept whatever it is you see. It will utilize whatever energy you are most resonant with.

The Shadowed Pearl of Devouring converts and feeds off malicious energies of all kinds, turning it into nourishing and beneficial energies that are often an inversion of the original intent. In the beginning, this pearl starts a little weaker but grows stronger the more it feeds. However, its energy can be implemented into spells and workings for an added dimension of defense that is very effective. Any devouring power implemented from the pearl will feed whatever it eats back to the pearl, allowing it to strengthen.

Elemental Power
The Shadowed Pearl of Elemental Power allows for the exploration of elements in their complex dual natured state, bringing understanding of an element’s ability to soothe and harm, to create and destroy. This pearl brings forth supportive energies that empower insight and understanding and also help to align you with which elements you work best with as well as what elements are needing to be balanced.

The Shadowed Pearl of Wishes allows for the boosting of wish power and wish companions. It is suitable for complex wishes that may need to move some things to make better things happen. Wishes can also be cast through it and they will be granted in pursuit of the wish’s intent and its end goal, often causing a wish to be granted in a way that is unexpected and often not how you envisioned for it to play out. This is not a bad thing. State what you want simply and watch the wish unfold.

The Shadowed Pearl of Healing works with a dual natured healing, one that works with both shadows and light. This sort of healing works within the deeper parts of the self but it can cause uncomfortable realizations that are necessary to move forward. An example of which is the acknowledgement of pain caused by others and pain you’ve caused to others in return. Working with this pearl requires honesty, and with that honesty come potent powers of renewal. It works with whatever energies you are the most resonant with.

The Shadowed Pearl of Cleansing works with a dual natured cleansing, the sort that is epitomized by taking off a stuck bandage. It’s fast and takes care of whatever needs to be done but it can hurt like hell. Because this process can be uncomfortable, it is recommended to use this pearl with restraint at first. It will use whatever energies you are most resonant with.

The Shadowed Pearl of Companionship aids connecting, bonding, and understanding companions and helps them connect, bond, and understand you in turn. It boosts interactions and allows them to have greater strength the more consistently they use it. It boosts Dark Arts spirits and entities the strongest but can be used by companions over the entirety of the White Art - Gray Art - Dark Art spectrum, enabling stronger presences, communication, and even manifestations. Finally, the Shadowed Pearl creates a strong energy within the environment that aids in thinning the veil so things are easier to perceive. This power is only usable by your companions.

The Shadowed Pearl of the Shadowform creates a Dark Art golem that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. The golems can be built for any purpose and follow the Dark Arts philosophy of a little pain is necessary if it means getting a job done. They will have a form of pure shadow and a second form that is more ordinary, unless directed otherwise. They make for excellent helpers and give intriguing insights about whatever task they are purposed to. Shadowform golems tend to be very intelligent and lean toward self-sufficiency. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Shadow Dragon
The Shadowed Pearl of the Shadow Dragon creates a Dark Art draconic golem that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. They can be built for any purpose, but each has the ability to exhale a breath weapon made of shadow, making them excellently suited for any task that may need a sudden burst of power. They also excel as guards taking on tricksters and things that like to hide. While the golems are draconic, they are not necessarily dragon shaped, only dragon infused. Humanoids and animals with draconic features are also possible. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Void Shell
The Shadowed Pearl of the Void Shell creates a Dark Art golem derived from void energies that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. They can be built for any purpose but do extraordinarily well with tasks related to cleansing and banishment. They are great at cleaning up messes. They often appear with an aura around their bodies that absorbs light but they can have ordinary looking forms. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Naturally, your connections to Tiamat will improve, but working with her is not necessary to interact with your Shadowed Pearl successfully. However, if Tiamat takes a liking to you, she may initiate contact.

After the purchase of your pearl, please email me at Immortal.conjures@gmail.com and let me know what pearl you would like.

I will also need to know your binding preference, the options being remotely to a vessel or directly to your spirit. The vessel must be something you own as I do not carry physical inventory.

For Legal Purposes, I am forced by law to state that this listing should be considered for entertainment purposes only.

Listing Name and Description © 2022 Azure’s Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.
Customer Reviews
A hidden gem... Or a shadowed pearl indeed!
So I got a few of these (daydream, fertilize and illusion) and am most excited to work with them but so far, I seem to have been bonding most quickly and frequently with the shadowed pearl of wishes. Since owning it, I have had EVERY WISH I MADE COME TRUE. 1): to look decent in my friend's wedding- ended up looking overdressed I got mistaken for a bridesmaid! 2) to be able to call in sick without any issues - got answered by a very friendly workmate and even got myself some brownie points by my manager for being a lifesaver in covering short shifts! 3) To be able to overcome a day's work when I have a bad migraine and normally would stay at home debilitated-- migraine disappeared shortly after (with the help of meds and without fatigue-- normally I am very fatigued in an attack) I overdid myself and actually performed well. I think I even heard the pearl say: 'Give me something more challenging!' and surprisingly for a dark artifact, it's energy is very velvety and comforting... Being blanketed in the solace of the dark. I even sense mine to grant wishes I'm not telling as I'm bonding with it. So much to say but bottom line is: just get one!
Friday, December 9, 2022
Update: Pearl of wishes
Okay, so since the last review, just wanted to share my most recent experience. I was casually bonding with the pearl the other day and I was bothered about something. I didn't actually direct the thought to the pearl but the colors of my pearl 'popped!' Similar to the listing image of Hecate's soul wisps, there were miniature, glowing balls of white and lavender light surrounding my pearl. It was a beautiful sight which I didn't think much of until a few hours later, when the problem I was thinking of got resolved! It really is a marvel going deeper with these artifacts, if you just put in the effort :)( tbh, I'm wasn't even consistent but have bonded alot with this particular pearl over the last year.) Thank you for sharing the fruits of your friendships with the Immortals, Azure! ️
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
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Tiamat’s Shadowed Pearls
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