
Valentine Resonant

  • Valentine Resonant
$75.00 inc. tax
Product Code: OC - Valentine Resonant
Product Condition: New
The Valentine Resonant is an Open Conjuration that brings forward a lover companion uniquely resonant with you. They come forward through different resonances, namely Resonance with Romance, Resonance with Sex, or Resonance with Both. Spirits and Created Beings, with the occasional entity, can step forward through this conjuration. Spirits and Entities can be of any race, and the qualities of the Created Being depends on the Immortal who shapes them. They can be from White Arts to deepest Dark Arts. Below are what the different resonances offer.

Romantic Resonants bring forth rich romantic and loving energies that allow for greater emotional and energetic support, lifting you up. They are endearing beings that are usually gentle but do align with whatever qualities a person finds attractive in another and do bring quality sexual interaction. However, they will also resonate with qualities that are helpful in other ways that may be overlooked by you at this time. They have an inclusive energy and tend to socialize and connect well with other spirit companions. They may also have protective or healing qualities, or other qualities that are supportive in nature.

Sexual Resonants bring forth sultry and passionate energies that align with your sexual desire and support greater personal power. They are beings of movement and dynamism, helping to fight against the stagnation that life can sometimes present. Of course, they are also ridiculously seductive and know how to hit special spots just right. While a romantic relationship can develop over time, they begin more as friends. They often have capabilities that allow them to break down blockages related to self-image, pleasure, and sex.

Romantic and Sexual Resonants bring forward qualities of the other two, being aligned with both emotional energies and sexual desires. They can be quite full bodied to experience, but due to their mixed resonance, they dip into both Romance and Sex without fully embodying either. Where they excel is in companionship, communication, and interactions. They are quite strong in their presence and always bring great pleasure whenever they are around.

Valentine Resonants are an Open Conjuration, meaning they can step through on account of any Immortal, the Immortal’s power serving as a lens to find a fantastic companion. While you may easily think these listings are only suited for Immortals related to love and sex, any Immortal can serve as a lens, allowing the Resonant to come forward through how the Immortal relates to romance and sex, or what they feel is the most best for you for both short and long terms. While Immortals of love and sex may be the first to come to mind, consider the qualities other Immortals may also bring. Poseidon could bring forward someone that could easily sweep another off their feet, Ares could bring forward a companion associated with a stoic strength yet conquering bedroom tendencies, and Thor might find a cocky and sassy being with a gentle heart.

Tiers are available.

At Tier I ($75), beings suitable for companionship with a sprinkling of helpful abilities that offer support and pleasant interactions come through. They can be spirits or entities. If asked, Created Beings can come through instead. Created Beings from listings $75 and lower can be called through this process, lower listings having an appropriate bump in their power and presence.

At Tier II ($150), beings with a mix of capabilities step forward, offering greater support in a variety of ways. $150 and under listings may step forward, lower listings having a bump in their power and presence.

At Tier III ($250), they serve as a fantastic companion with an array of supportive capabilities to bring into the life of their human. They begin to serve as an influence for loved ones.

At Tier IV ($350), These capabilities are greatly expanded, ensuring greater range and potency for those who want a companion with greater intensity. They more fully embody guardianship qualities.

As part of this listing, Valentine Resonants are conjured with the “kiss” from the Immortal they are called forward by, allowing for richer experiences and interactions. Additional blessings and spells might be utilized, as seen fit by the Immortal.

After purchase, please email me at immortal.conjures@gmail.com and let me know what you would like. Please let me know what your preferences are, such as gender, personality, and appearance; if you have any. I will also need to know your binding preference. The options are either bound directly to your spirit or bound to an object you’d own and would like to use as a vessel. I do not presently have physical inventory. I will consider other binding options such as bound to soul or a three-body binding, and do offer the option of having something bound to multiple vessels. Keep it under three.

Legal Disclaimer: I am forced by law to state this listing is for entertainment purposes only.

Listing Name and Description © 2023 Azure’s Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-men-being-affectionate-4670849/ 
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