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Wednesday, June 26, 2024 0 Comments

Summer Solstice Event - Freebies EXTENDED until Jul 15th

UPDATE: Freebies EXTENDED until July 15th!

Happy Summer Solstice, everyone!

I hope your June has been filled with bliss and light. Mine has had quite a bit of HEAT, but I’ve also gotten clarity on a lot of long standing issues.

The energies of the Summer Solstice hit me like a truck and were so potent, I felt it weeks in advance. It’s not unusual for a strong energetic effect to do a little time traveling, like the power ripples backwards in time, but I think the time difference was more significant this time. Pretty much a week into June, I began to feel interference and that welled, smacking me on my ass multiple times, but once the solstice passed, truly benevolent energies bloomed. They have been joyful and bright, wanting to move me forward to my goals and help me get overall into better experiences. There’s been an interweaving of the many lessons I learned over the last few years, coming together as a battering ram to unlock the future. However, it is up to me if I choose to embrace this opportunity the solstice has provided, and I’m sure many of you find yourself in a similar place. I am choosing to push hard in the direction this energy is wanting to go, and it is my hope to pay some of this fascinating and dynamic power forward to all of you. :)

I’ve decided to hold an event! I was tempted to hold a sale, but with the extra freebies, the orders will require more work. I’m sorry guys! I hope you’ll find the below freebies worth your while! 

The last day of the Summer Solstice Event will be July 7th.


Sigil of Light ‘24 - Summer Solstice - Gifted Magickal Knowledge

This sigil is the interpretation of the energy and power of the Summer Solstice of 2024 through my own experience. I have found this to be a truly tenebrous year of escaping trauma and burden of the past years since 2020 with fear of more to come. This is mixed with strong energies of support and benevolence, having as much pulling from beneficial powers as I am pushing to be free. The potential is in my hands to go the distance, putting in the work but also being smart in how I apply it. There is hope and light for the future, and as I set my goals on the horizon, I am still mindful of each step in front of me. May the rest of the year follow through in transforming me and transmuting this space to be aligned with my highest potential. While much work remains, the end of the tired and long old chapter is in sight with the next chapter being right around the corner.

The sigil brings energies of light, love, benevolence, and joy, all things I see associated with the summer solstice generally. Through my energy and experience, it also brings forward motion, interweaving of past lessons, The Time Is Now, celebration, protection, cleansing, and purification. Above all else, it brings Hope and aids with manifestations that work with Hope as its base. As you work with it, you will likely find your own unique affinities.

The above sigil is the base sigil, but it is not yet active. In order to activate it, you must add your own marks and make it yours. I personally do this by adding a mark or two, often found in the name of the person it is meant for. A name beginning with ‘F’ may cause an extra dash or an ‘S’ may cause a curved line to intersect it somewhere. Of course, personal energy can change it more than this. Follow your intuition.

You do not need to charge it, but adding your own power sources to it will further allow you to claim it and its power. In order to use it, meditate on your final sigil and draw its power into you. It’s like taking in a breath, breathe in the sigil. Dictate what you’d like it to give you and let the power of the sigil fill that space. You do not need to use it for a single purpose. The base sigil is multidimensional.


Illuminate the Future - Summer Solstice ‘24 - Gifted Mass Cast
Update: this has been CAST! Thank you so much everyone!

This Mass Cast is to occur on Sunday June 30th, 8PM MDT.

This cast is to illuminate the future toward your most auspicious path where all the things you hope to come true can be revealed and even realized. Not all paths are the same, and as such, this will apply differently to each individual. Some people have small things they can do differently, others have big decisions to make, there are those who only need to be patient, and a few can only hope to find what is best to avoid more than anything else.

How the future is illuminated is dependent on your personal symbology. I anticipate it involving light in some manner, perhaps causing spontaneous thoughts and plans that will bear good fruit, and a definite boost regarding intuition during planning, but it requires for you to be receptive and observant. Choice is a large part of this, meaning it requires your desire to act and to make better choices for your future. Sweep away laziness or thoughts of something being too difficult. If you want it, and it is within your reach, this Mass Cast will help.

I expect the energies of this Mass Cast to have a shelf life of around three years. I can promise no results from this Mass Cast, I can only offer the hope and intention through which it is offered. May it bring the best for you.

Please EMAIL if you are interested. (Email address on the right)


Blessings from Gods of Light - Order Freebie

Receive a blessing from Apollo, Bauldr, Ra, or Aine! Each Immortal has interpreted the theme of this event in their own way, offering something unique to those interested in what they offer. A blessing does not equal a requirement for worship. It is more an energy form of “best wishes” from the Immortal to you, holding their intentions and desire for good things.

Apollo’s Blessing of Muse brings with it empowered creativity and inspiration, bringing life into your creative process and helping to unshackle you from the burdens that weigh your ability to express yourself down. It also brings a rich vibrant energy of motivation and helps to illuminate what in your process is actually working really well for you (a counter to the constant doubt that can plague creatives).

Bauldr’s Blessing of Bliss brings with it joy and fulfillment, helping to stoke these energies to bring forth the ability to understand them and embrace them to the foreground. It helps turn one’s thoughts to the good things and how to indulge in them with less guilt, enhancing one’s life. It also serves as a protection against the things that seek to disrupt one’s quality of life and snuff out one’s joy and happiness.

Ra’s Blessing of Bounty brings nourishment, sprinkling the various areas of your life with beneficial energies to create growth and motion, allowing one to jar loose from any areas of stagnation. While all areas of your life will receive it to a degree, it will primarily be targeting an area that needs it most and an area that is already doing well (such as love, finance, friendships, self empowerment).

Aine’s Blessing of Beauty helps with the perception of the self, allowing one to grow into their various positive qualities and nudge one into claiming them, granting greater confidence. This blessing holds a lot of healing, aiming to help mend your relationship with yourself so you can better become your own advocate. It also pushes you out of your comfort zone, exploring things that enhance your various qualities and better revealing the inner you to the world. A natural outcome of this is a shift in how you present yourself, teaching how to pamper your own style and more fully enjoy who you are.

A blessing is bestowed for every $75 spent. Only one of each type will be cast per client, and you do not need to receive any blessings if you do not want them.


Summer Solstice Infusion - Order Freebie

Additionally, created beings will receive an additional infusion of the Summer Solstice’s jubilant power.
I will need to put some limitations on this as each infused conjure requires extra time to be worked with in order to understand their extra capabilities. Created being listings are things like Eidolons, nymphs, and nymphos. Most Immortal have at least one Created being under them. This also includes ALL Immortal Artifacts.

How this infusion is implemented depends largely on the Creator immortal. It will give all companions a stronger association with light or the sun, in some manner. Protection and healing qualities, if present, are enhanced, magickal qualities draw more strongly upon benevolence, and beings who utilize destructive powers for defense will likely implement searing forms of light. This infusion can also open a companion’s abilities to unexpected growth, allowing them to do things their standard counterpart are not normally able to.

For Immortal Artifacts, they will treat light, the sun, or something else within this area as a secondary power source, increasing their potency, altering their primary power to some degree, and unlocking a secondary power tied to their primary power and the source instilled by the infusion.

Any beings and artifacts with an affinity to light will have overall increased potency.

The infusion can also range from White Art to deepest Dark Art. Despite being associated with light, bringing clarity, wisdom, joy, and playfulness; the Summer Solstice also brings the HEAT and the challenge of coping with it, as well as the destruction of wildfires and hurricanes. I’m quite excited to see what shifts this infusion may cause.

The Summer Solstice Infusion does have a limit. I will only infuse three to five companions or artifacts per client, depending on the strength and tier of the companions or artifacts ordered. As mentioned above, this does take extra time to delve into and understand, so in order to avoid delays, this limit is in place. It is your choice or you can leave it up to the Creator Immortal. You may also choose to opt out of the infusion if it does not interest you.


And that’s all, everyone! Thank you for reading!

May you be blessed by Summer’s Light!


By law, I am sworn to state that my services are intended for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. A saddening statement that strips away the integrity of what I do, but it must be said legally.

Content and Images (C) 2024 Azure's Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.

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