Hephaestus' Automated Defense System
Hephaestus' Automated Defense System (or ADS) is an Immortal Artifact that takes the shape of five metal spheres about two to four inches across. An Immortal Artifact is a non-physical object that exists on the spirit and astral planes. These metal spheres, as you may have guessed from the name, are focused on defense. Between themselves they are able to project a barrier to protect whatever is within them or whatever is behind them, depending on which form they decided to take. They may also use this energy to “cage” something and deposit it to a safe place, far away where it cannot reach who or whatever it is protecting. This can be in any dimensional space, as they are capable of warping through the multiverse to wherever they like. They also have the ability to form formations and use their energy to fire blasts of energy together, can have a shotgun type spray, can have AK-47 type spray, can become detonating mines, a whip, a bow with an energy arrow projection or even a sword to protect their target. They are quite diverse in how they approach each threat, using an energy their target is weak to and an attack method that incapacitates them so they may swoop in, contain the target, and deposit it somewhere else.
Whatever metal they are made of is dependent on their keepers preferences, and they can look like anything, from little steampunk spheres to futuristic tech. They might be made of other materials but this is less likely. They will also use a primary energy type that will be overridden if the threat is weak against something else. They will protect whatever, wherever, and whoever you ask them to. You just need to will them to do it. You can also will them to attack a certain way, what energy they will use, or to take a certain defensive form, if you find it necessary or if youd like to train with them to have a better resonance with them. While they can protect whatever youd like, keep in mind that they work in unison to defend against a single target, and may be overwhelmed easily if there are opponents with greater numbers or if an opponent is too strong. If they do not have the means to attack effectively, they will form a perpetual barrier on a single area until the threat has left, either of its own will or until it is fended off by your own protective beings. It will take on whatever energy on the White/Gray/Dark Art spectrum that you resonate best with, but will shift this if it is advantageous while protecting or attacking. If you have more than one Automated Defense System, they will work together to make stronger defenses and have stronger attacks.
You may choose their look and innate energy type, provided through an elemental infusion, or you can have Hephaestus choose for you. The elements can be non-traditional like light, storms, magnetism, etc
Naturally, having an ADS will improve your connection to Hephaestus. Working with Hephaestus is not necessary to work with your ADS successfully, but if Hephaestus takes a liking to you, he may initiate contact.
Please contact me at Immortal.Conjures@gmail.com I will need to know if you prefer your ADS bound to your spirit or to an object in your possession that youd like to use as a vessel. I do NOT currently have vessel options.
I am forced by law to state that this should be considered for entertainment purposes only.
(C) 2017 Azure's Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved