
Tyche's Jewel of Success

  • Tyche's Jewel of Success
$45.00 inc. tax
Product Code: Tyche Jewel Success
Product Condition: New

Tyches Jewel of Success is an Immortal Artifact that aids in removing blockages related to success and helping you to put your best effort forward. An Immortal Artifact is a non-physical object that exists on the spirit and astral planes. The Jewel of Success is a tool of guidance that helps you find your most successful and fulfilling path in life. It always seeks to find the perfect blend between happiness and success, and will never sacrifice one for the other. There may be paths that offer more success, but they will come at the cost of something else. It is possible to have all the money in the world but still feel empty. Tyches Jewel of Success will not lead you down that path, but will instead nudge you towards a place where you feel like you belong and deal not just with a success of prosperity but also in joy.

Tyches Jewel of Success helps you to work through any blockages that may be hindering your way down this path, and will use all sorts of things to help you out. It will help remove barriers created by energy, spirits, and magick while also leading you to resolve any issues you may have that you yourself are causing. This can include things like fear or just plain ol laziness. Many things you may not realize that are connected to success may also be affected such as sleep patterns, eating habits, and even exercise routines. It will also help you connect to your spiritual family, as that will have immense effects all across your life. If you are a person who works creatively, it will not only help boost those creative juices but also help give you frequent inspiration and fit pieces together that you never thought to put together before. If you are a person who deals with people, it will give you insights into people you are working with so you can help them more effectively. If you are not happy with what you are doing, it will guide you down the path to discovering your true passion and help you find your way toward success pursuing whatever that is. It is an incredible artifact that will help you work toward your best and happiest self. Anything and everything that will lead your towards that, Tyches Jewel of Success will aid with.

Tyches Jewel of Success will also affect character qualities that inhibit your own success and sense of fulfillment. It invokes feelings of kindness, generosity, and warm, feel goodness. You cannot feel happy with your own success if it is all about you, so the Jewel of Success teaches you how to share it with others, spreading the prosperity and the happiness with others who may need it. It will not change you as a person, but it will teach you about various character traits that make your life easier and more enjoyable. It will apply itself beyond finances and wealth, working with Success in all its forms. The Jewel of Success also has a habit of spreading its influence past you and into the lives of those you care most for, that way you are all successful together.

Tyches Jewel of Success ordinarily appears as a large chunk of a gem that would easily make any dragon happy to have it in its hoard. This gem can appear as any type of stone, although it is specific for each person, and it normally glistens with an otherworldly light. I suggest meditating with it from time to time to increase your resonance with it. As a nifty bonus power of the stone, it can duplicate itself (although this does not stack its power) so each of your dragons or other spirits/entities who enjoy treasure can keep a piece of it. The Jewel of Success being in a treasure hoard makes it resonate with the other treasures and will also bring those energies into your life.

Tyches Jewel of Success is an incredible life asset. I recommend it for everyone.

Please message me at Immortal.Conjures@gmail.com after purchase and let me know youd like to have your Tyches Jewel of Success bound to a vessel that you own or to your spirit. I do NOT currently have vessel options as I have no physical inventory.

Legal Information: I am bound by law to state that this listing should be considered for Entertainment Purposes Only. That said, I do take what I do quite seriously.

Listing Name and Description © 2017 Azures Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.

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