
Tiamat’s Shining Pearls

  • Tiamat’s Shining Pearls
$30.00 inc. tax
Product Code: IA - Mesop - Tiamat - Shin Pearl
Product Condition: New
Tiamat’s mythos places her as a being whose body forms all of reality; her pearl listings reflect this great range of energy and mystery. The Shining Pearls are White Arts Immortal Artifacts. Immortal Artifacts being a non-physical object that embodies a specific power which is easily accessible. The Shining Pearls appear as a jeweled sphere the size of a small apple with a nebulous mist swirling and pulsing within. The Shining Pearls manifest a sort of “Light-aligned” force, representative of light, stars, the sun, the moon, and all else bright and luminous in nature and in energy. However, it is not necessarily drawing upon these powers, merely expressing an energy that is along the same wavelength. The White Art nature of these pearls serve the best interest of all involved and can create some incredible changes and transformation. This listing is intriguing and complex in what it offers. Below is a vast list of the available forty Shining Pearls.

The Shining Pearl of Light embodies fully the rich and luminous powers of Light and Light-aligned forces. It is a fount of energy to be used as you like, be that implementing it within workings and spells, drawing upon it to feel energized, or studying it to better understand those things that share its power. Innately, its energy is oriented toward healing, knowledge, and purity, but it could just as easily become a blinding flare or a matrix of lasers.

The Shining Pearl of Life embodies vitality and the vibrant power known as a “Life-aligned” force. This force is oriented toward growth and evolution. In its White Art aspect, it is inspiring and very beautiful, always pointing toward greener pastures and greater things. At its heart is Life’s ability to adapt and survive no matter the obstacle, be it extreme environments or six mass extinction events. It can be drawn upon as an energy source and used as you like. Innately, it embodies evolution and adaptability, forward progress, renewal and vitality, and resilience. It can enrich any animal, plant, or otherwise life related spell or working.

Celestial Powers
The Shining Pearl of Celestial Powers embodies energies and influences that are celestial in nature, be it stars and planets, or higher realms and planes. Its energies are quite complex but any celestial power can be channeled and better understood through it, or Celestial Powers can be worked with in a more general sense. Through the Shining Pearl, Celestial Powers are able to bring forth their greater benevolence without their disruptive qualities. Mercurial energies can be worked with despite retrograde, as an example. This pearl can serve as a fount for these energies to be drawn upon. 

The Shining Pearl of Sun embodies the various energies and influences of the Sun. The pearl brings forward a softer and gentler form of White Art solar power that brims with the energies of restoration, nourishment, and vitality, allowing for a greater avenue for solar alignment during the everyday. Its destructive and disruptive potential is still available through the pearl but can range from White Art through Gray Art into lighter Dark Art when implemented.

The Shining Pearl of Moon embodies the luminous energies and influences of the Moon. Its rich and mysterious qualities are able to come forth and bless its owner. Innately, it works with balance, transformation, change, magick, and beauty, among other qualities. Lunar power can also be drawn upon. 

The Shining Pearl of Star embodies stellar energies and influences as a whole rather than individually. It is representative of the spiritual meaning and power stars have held within the human heart and mind since the beginning of civilization. Hope, inspiration, and guidance are among its qualities.

The Shining Pearl of Planet embodies planetary forces and the various lighter qualities they possess. It also aids in exploring the various histories of a planet, helping you to come into greater alignment with these grand powers.

Milky Way
The Shining Pearl of Milky Way embodies the galactic influence of our home galaxy. It is a profound pearl of many powers, aiding connection to galactic history and various intelligences that have resided within it. It also aids with connections to the galactic heart, the supermassive blackhole known presently as Sagittarius A*. Great power can come through this pearl.

The Shining Pearl of Universe deals with the lighter qualities of the universe, channeling its great power and making it far more approachable and understandable. This aids with connection to Source, Cosmic Consciousness, and the fabric of reality.

The Shining Pearl of Aurora embodies the various powers of the aurora. It is a phenomenon of great magick, spiritual power, and beauty. This is an excellent representative of energy as a whole given the aurora’s energetic nature. It aids in connecting to energy and getting greater mastery and understanding. This is also an excellent pearl for overall metaphysical development, advancing avenues of creative expression, self discovery, and gaining a richer understanding of the manifestations of Beauty.

The Shining Pearl of Globe contains the ability to create potent shields. While it innately creates shields that are spherical in nature, this power can be modified to create wards over doorways and the like. It will use whatever power you are most resonant with and will help teach you techniques to make stronger defenses. This pearl’s power can be used to empower defense workings, spells, and Immortal Artifacts.

The Shining Pearl of Vibrance brings magick into the everyday, cultivating a new found gratitude, appreciation, and respect for things most may find boring and mundane. It is personified by stopping and smelling the roses. Working in this way, the world can take on vibrance and richness that is unfathomably amazing. 

The Shining Pearl of Fulfillment works within the area of emotional wellbeing and helping with insight into greater emotional health and wellness. If there is something that is truly unsatisfying or stagnant, the pearl helps bring forth the information of why, and guides you onto a path that is as fulfilling as it is stimulating. 

The Shining Pearl of Courage stokes bravery and helps you let go of that which dampens it, such as fear, allowing you to step into a position of strength and confidence. It helps you see your value in a better light and allows you to stand firm and overcome the various obstacles and challenges that life can produce.

The Shining Pearl of Creativity helps you engage with forms of creativity expression and effectively use your inner dynamo to be at maximum productivity and balance it with excellent mental and emotional health. It stimulates ideas, works through blockages, and helps you enjoy the act of expressing yourself.

The Shining Pearl of Affection aids emotional growth and connections, helping people, animals, and companions better communicate how they may be feeling. It brings with it healing and a working through of blockages within this area as well as improving your ability to recognize and understand emotions in others. For companions, it makes it easier to interact and understand their emotions, allowing for improved bonding and resonance.

The Shining Pearl of Sensuality aids with sensuality, intimacy, and eroticism. It makes for more enjoyable experiences within this area and helps you get out of your own way for satisfaction. It creates a stronger interaction for companions with sexuality capabilities, opening your senses, improving their manifestations, and breaking down blockages that disrupt the fun.

The Shining Pearl of Beauty aids with connecting to a force known as Beauty, something that manifests itself in the world, through animals, plants, and people. It is as much an internal experience, if not more so, as it is an external experience. Often, one must begin to grasp and understand how Beauty is manifested within them before they can learn how to manifest it in their appearance. This Shining Pearl aids with this path and process.

The Shining Pearl of Enlightenment aids with connection to knowledge and learning, allowing you to make greater connections and realizations, improving retention, and boosting mental and intellectual capabilities. It is a pearl that expresses the joy of knowledge and learning and is worked with best by those who understand this same spirit. However, anyone could benefit from a little enlightenment.

The Shining Pearl of Abundance brings forth rich prosperous energies of many kinds, be it material, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise. It creates an atmosphere that generates an innate attraction for prosperity, and this energy trickles down into the various states it can be applied. It also helps you to get out of a mindset of limitation by showing you the fruitfulness of examining future possibilities and helps you engage with the things you love to do for better mental and emotional health.

The Shining Pearl of Peace is multifaceted as it aids you tap into a greater energy of rest and renewal, making it far easier to handle and manage stress. It also aids with unbounds that may be present around you out of confusion and restlessness. In this power the pearl serves as a psychopomp, guiding the restless dead to peace.

The Shining Pearl of Release is associated with freedom and leaving the past behind. It is about unshackling from persistent harmful habits and behaviors, releasing trauma and its burdens, and emerging as someone ready to live life with a new sense of purpose and vigor. It will also strengthen the internal compass that guides you to whatever is best for you and will help you grow. This is a pearl associated with deep healing and renewal.

The Shining Pearl of Harmony aids with the unification of energies, be it in a person or a space. It can be used to balance a space, make a spirit family become more cohesive with their energies, or unify the various parts of yourself that may seem incompatible. It is an artifact oriented toward growth and solutions because harmony is not only about balance, it is about balance oriented toward thriving.

The Shining Pearl of Stability brings forth an energy of security and stable foundations to be safely built upon. It functions on multiple levels, helping you to assess how you view the world, showing you your true capability and core character, and teaching you how to live within a lifestyle that has an inherent greater stability and security.

The Shining Pearl of Grounding aids with the acts of grounding, releasing, and letting go. While quite helpful for energy work and magick by making grounding techniques more effective, it can also serve as a reminder of humility, helping you to be grounded within your own life and to be realistic, but not pessimistic, about some things that have been on your mind. 

The Shining Pearl of the Metaphysical aids with metaphysical endeavors and development, allowing you to connect, sense, and understand things that are metaphysical in nature more easily. The pearl is an excellent general support for greater fruitful growth along your metaphysical path, regardless of what you may be engaging with. Be it magick, spirits, entities, energies, or the astral, among others, this pearl can help.

The Shining Pearl of Magick aids with insight, support, and understanding of magick and allows for greater growth, development, and evolution of your magickal self and capabilities. It expands the mind and awareness, making you more aware of methods and options you may not have considered before. It also reveals what paths of magick you are the most resonant towards and helps you learn about them by bringing relevant information your way.

The Shining Pearl of Spirit aids with insight, support, and understanding of spiritual matters and spiritual beings. It aids with comprehension and perception, allowing vast ideas and concepts to become more meaningful and understandable. It opens your senses and allows you to become more aware, stimulating your development and growth.

The Shining Pearl of Entity aids with perceiving, understanding, and interacting with entities, or beings that are alive but not on our plane of experience. This pearl informs its owner of an entity’s mental and emotional state, of their interests, and of their life’s history. It also aids with magickal and energetic connections for the purpose of magick and energy workings.

The Shining Pearl of Energy is strongly associated with the perception, projection, manipulation, and working of energy. It helps open your eyes to new ways to see and connect to energy and for you to discover and evolve along a path that is the most resonant for you. It stimulates the growth of your various capabilities and allows you to have a greater reserve for energy as well as the rate in which you can project it. It helps stimulate both of these so they are growing continually.

The Shining Pearl of Astral aids all efforts related to astral endeavors, including perception, projection, travel, manipulation, and power. It also provides stimulation and helps growth and evolution within these areas continually over time and provides a layer of protection when engaging with anything astral in nature. Finally, it can serve as a compass toward auspicious things within the astral.

The Shining Pearl of Wishes aids with wish work and helps with understanding your wishing companions and artifacts better. It also empowers their wishes, should they choose to accept its boost. Lastly, wishes can be cast from it, with greater and consistent bonding enabling more powerful wishes. Because this pearl is White Arts, its wishes are likewise White Arts. They will act in a way that causes minimal intrusion. In cases where an intrusion may be necessary, the pearl will offer a choice or give insight into a necessary choice that must be made in order for the wish to continue to progress. Unless said choice is made, the wish will stall its progress, ready to kick up again once you choose to accept change.

The Shining Pearl of Healing aids with rest and restoration. It is as much about acts that bring healing as it is about gaining a greater insight and understanding into healing magick and energy. This Pearl helps you learn how to better care for yourself and attend to your needs. Its gentle energy is quite refreshing to interact with and may be implemented within healing magick and energy workings for a greater potency.  It will initially bring forth whatever energy has the greatest healing resonance for you. Then it may diversify what it brings forth or can be used to gain a firmer understanding into an energy, so long as it has beneficial restorative potential.

The Shining Pearl of Cleansing is dedicated to the energies of purifying, cleansing, and banishing, working on many layers and at a deep level. It also supports the base energies and potential magick and workings that may have been cast upon an object or within a room, refreshing and empowering them so they all work quite potently. This pearl brings forth whatever energy is the most resonant with you.

Elemental Power
The Shining Pearl of Elemental Power aids with working with and channeling elemental energy, especially in their lighter White Art aspects. It can aid you in understanding which elements you are most auspicious with or in expanding your understanding and usage with ones you are less familiar with. So long as it involves something elemental in nature, this pearl can be used to understand, expand, or empower efforts.

The Shining Pearl of Crystallization is quite an intriguing pearl associated with knowledge, perspective, energy, and magick. This pearl helps to weave things together that are interrelated but you personally have yet to fully piece together. Things that have been budding for a long time but have not yet truly grown are also given the opportunity to break free and do so. It additionally brings forth greater insight into how to weave powerful long-term magicks, improve your perception and understanding of energy, and allow you to become better attuned to crystals and crystalline forces and energies.

The Shining Pearl of Companionship aids connecting, bonding, and understanding companions and helps them connect, bond, and understand you in turn. It boosts interactions and allows them to have greater strength the more consistently they use it. It boosts White Art spirits and entities the strongest but can be used by companions over the entirety of the White Art - Gray Art - Dark Art spectrum, enabling stronger presences, communication, and even manifestations. Finally, this Shining Pearl creates a strong energy within the atmosphere that aids in thinning the veil so things are easier to perceive. This atmosphere is only usable by your companions.

The Shining Pearl of the Lightform creates a White Art golem that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. They can be built for any purpose and will carry it out in a White Arts manner. They will have a form of pure light and a second form that is more ordinary, unless directed otherwise. Their energies give them an innate goodness that is very refreshing to interact with and orients them best toward healing tasks. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Light Dragon
The Shining Pearl of the Light Dragon creates a White Art draconic golem that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. They can be built for any purpose but each has the ability to exhale a breath weapon made of light, making them excellently suited for any task that may need a sudden burst of power. While the golems are draconic, they are not necessarily dragon shaped, only dragon infused. Humanoids and animals with draconic features are also possible. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Celestial Shell
The Shining Pearl of the Celestial Shell creates a White Art golem derived from celestial energies that will grow and evolve over time, depending on how much you have bonded with the golem, its master pearl, and Tiamat’s other pearls. They can be built for any purpose but do extraordinarily well with tasks related to knowledge and magick. They often appear wreathed in stars or nebulae. The pearl can create three golems to start but its capacity will increase. Golems can be dismissed upon the completion of a task, freeing up available room for a new golem. Dismissed golems do not stop existing, they merely slumber within their pearl, their knowledge and experience evolving their master pearl.

Naturally, your connections to Tiamat will improve, but working with her is not necessary to interact with your Shining Pearl successfully. However, if Tiamat takes a liking to you, she may initiate contact.

After the purchase of your pearl, please email me at Immortal.conjures@gmail.com and let me know what pearl you would like.

I will also need to know your binding preference, the options being remotely to a vessel or directly to your spirit. The vessel must be something you own as I do not carry physical inventory.

For Legal Purposes, I am forced by law to state that this listing should be considered for entertainment purposes only.

Listing Name and Description © 2022 Azure’s Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.
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