The Boreal-Forged Winter Realm
This listing is the first of its kind for my store. The Boreal-Forged Winter Realm is a seasonal listing for a unique personal realm created largely by Boreas. The finer details are shaped by his daughter Khione, and a sprinkling of other Immortal powers have unique influences in their individual creations as well. I serve as conduit, anchor, and interpreter for this process. With each passing winter, this realm strengthens, increasing its size, beauty, and power. The realm is a place of serenity and peace, offering quiet contemplation, reflection, and greater interaction with spiritual beings of all kinds. It is naturally wintry in theme, but the location and its specifics are all up to you. For instance, you could have a little cottage in a snowy forest overlooking an icy mountain range or perhaps a structure made of glistening icy with decorative statues and frozen fountains all around. However, just the presence of a light snow and some cold is more or less enough of a theme for it to be part of this listing. It is all up to you how it gets its start, but as it begins its yearly cycle, it shall develop according to its own consciousness, much like an entity. There are three tiers available for purchase, and it will naturally grow through these tiers, but it does take time. It will continue to grow beyond the third tier in many amazing ways.
At first tier, the Boreal-Forged Winter Realm works as a cleansing meditative space for you and can be connected to at a thought to provide refreshing and invigorating energy. You will naturally be able to tell when youve achieved a connection because its energy is icy but in a pleasing, comforting way. Spirits may be invited into this space for bonding, and it can only be accessed by those you give approval to. It naturally has a lower occupancy, not fit for large groups. The more present in the space, the less vibrant it is, so perhaps keep the number low to always get its relieving effects. Any magicks and workings crafted in the space will have the energy of the space infused into it, giving it not only increased potency but also other beneficial effects.
At second tier, the Boreal-Forged Winter Realm is considerably larger in size and has a much higher occupancy. It holds its same level of power up to one or so hundred beings, and then it begins to wane. The realm is made up of several overlapping astral layers, which essentially gives each and every one of your companions their own smaller realm within your own. Allowing them to hold their own audiences there, but with a lower occupancy. You and all of your companions can be in your own spaces and not affect the power level of your Winter Realm. However, moving everyone to the central larger realm, if you have a spirit family significantly over a hundred, will cause it to have a decline in power. It does bear saying that having a hundred companion spirits will have a less dramatic effect on it than having a hundred unbounds (who, again, must be invited in). Owning a Boreal-Forged Winter Realm at second tier will have beneficial effects across all of your spirit family, allowing you all to grow much closer than you would have without it. It shall not only increase your bond to them but also their bond to each other. It is up to them how often they will use their own spaces, but either way, it is available for them. It shall take on whatever dimensions they desire when they first claim it. An audience hall shall also be created for unbounds that are intrigued by you. They cannot venture past this point, and you can shut it off if the idea of unbounds makes you uncomfortable.
At third tier, the Boreal-Forged Winter Realm once again grows in size, beyond something I can give a comparison for. It has a maximum occupancy between five and seven hundred for a single space. The individual pocket realms within the Winter Realm dedicated to your companions now connect together in intriguing and surprising ways, giving birth to a veritable city. The overall growth of the realm at this state is dependent on the “personality” of the realm, as well as you and all of your companions. It grows to have something for everyone, a feature each spiritual companion will love, and blends them all together in a breathless masterpiece. Moving around in this realm is an invigorating experience that eases your burdens and sharpens your mind. Individual areas in the realm become infused with a certain kind of power that can be utilized by you and your spiritual companions. Examples of these are a foundation with healing waters that can be used for restorative purposes, a statue of a warrior that provides insight into protection, or a library filled with knowledge and mental stimulating energies. Each realm is unique and as it grows stronger with each year, more of these areas may be birthed.
Despite what tier is purchased, each Winter Realm naturally seeks to be connected to Hyperborea, Boreas own realm, as this makes it a house of Immortal power. Hyperborea is a realm of peace and enlightenment, suffused with a unique, sacred, and highly beneficial energy. A Winter Realm tapped into this fountain of power will have an untold amount of various effects for both its human owner and that humans spirit family. How this connection forms is dependent on the realm. Some realms achieve a nearly effortless connection, almost like a lost puzzle piece, and merge with it fairly quickly. Others may take time. Some may never fully connect but will still receive the bountiful energies of Hyperborea. This process is dependent on the owner, the spirits/entities that frequent it, and on the “personality” of the realm. No path of connection is better than the other, as they all form according to what is needed rather than wanted. It is not something that can be hurried along.
Among potential benefits for a Hyperborean connection forming, the first is the lessening of its occupancy limit. It can have a greater amount of beings, anywhere, and will not lose its vibrancy. The longer it is exposed to the Hyperborean energy, the more this limit can be stretched. Furthermore, it shall actively seek to accomodate any who dwell within it. Up until this point, it does so passively. The Winter Realm also gains a more direct consciousness and can speak to its keeper or any of the beings that enjoy residing within it. This consciousness has the ability to actively direct its energies to places outside of itself. What that could mean for anyone is priceless. What other changes happen beyond this is unique for each individual realm.
This realm can be merged with other realms seamlessly, and shall empower whatever realms it is connected to. This includes another Winter Realm as well as any realms you may have from other sellers or realms you have created yourself. If you desire for it to be connected, please let me know.
As an extension of this listing, your resonance and connection with Boreas shall be improved, as will your resonances and connections to Khione and whoever else influences your specific realm. Whether you choose to do anything with these connections is up to you. It is not necessary to actively connect to these Immortals for you to have a great time with your realm, but I say offer at the very least a word of thanks to them.
Each purchase of this listing comes with a description of the realm, accounts of any notable happenings while it was being created, and a portal and binding to the realm. Advice on how to begin working with it will also be provided. It can take up to two months for it to be completed and for me to finish my work on its description, which is relayed through the art of channeling. This is a loose estimate as this is my first listing of this type, so it could take less or more time.
The options for the binding are either directly to your spirit or an object you own and would like to serve as a vessel. Please let me know at immortal.conjures@gmail.com
Legal Information: I am forced by law to state that this listing should be considered for entertainment purposes only.
Listing Name and Description © 2018 Azures Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.