
Demeter's Spring Realm

  • Demeter's Spring Realm
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Product Code: Demeter's Spring Realm
Product Condition: New
Demeter’s Spring Realm is a seasonal listing created by Demeter and Persephone to a lesser degree. As the name would imply, it is only available in the Spring. It is a realm lush with abundance and beauty, bubbling with powerful earth energies that create grounding, growth, stability, and peace. As you would expect, a Spring Realm is verdant and filled with color, containing a richness and vividness often beyond human experience. Each visit, even with partial awareness, brings relaxation, peace, and centeredness. It is highly beneficial for the chakras, bringing more awareness to the present moment, and brings inspiration to the everyday. It is a highly motivating and beneficial experience, and shall also be deeply loved by your spirit and entity companions.

Demeter’s Spring Realm generally falls into three categories: Meadow, Forest, and Valley. Each category holds a particular theme that is more or less limited in the others. Among the three, the greatest differences are topographical, what determines a realm’s border, and the occurrences of certain traits, such as dominance of certain plants or the frequency of types of water features. Each realm category can develop the traits of the others as they evolve, but their original category will be more present. In the end, which category you prefer is matter of preference. The only true advantage one offers over another is how better they are framed to suit you. Some may prefer flatlands or subtle hills, such as Meadow, while others prefer mountains, such as Valley.

Realms in the Meadow category generally consist of flat or subtly hilly land framed with trees. The trees serve as a border for the realm, meaning that as you pass them, the details will get less concrete and more dreamlike. However, as it grows, the realm’s central meadow shall expand and the realm can grow into and past the frontline of trees. Flowers are often quite abundant, with the meadow potentially being nothing but flowers. Tall or short grasses could alternatively be present instead, but they would still have their own small, dainty flowers. Water features often pop up as the realm evolves, becoming larger and more elaborate as the realm strengthens. Large bodies of water are less likely at its start, so if you prefer one, please specify.

Realms in the Forest category consist of trees of any kind which dominate the landscape. The forest is unending and holds a cornucopia of subtle details for those that like to explore. The border of this realm is not as easy to locate as the Meadow or Valley, so know that once you are close to the border, the details and concreteness of the realm get vaguer. This category is rich with variety and can hold all sorts of treasures. It’s natural for a Forest spring realm to become divided into unique areas, where certain types of plant life or features dominate. While this is true of all the categories, Forest is often the most dramatic. Water features are also likely, mostly in the form of creeks and streams. Rather than focusing on the ground floor of a Forest, all activity could be focused in the branches, even dipping into craggy caves beneath the earth which could have its own abundance (Feel free to look up Hang Son Doong for an example of a cave filled with abundance).

Realms in the Valley category consist of mountains and a lush valley between them. The Valley is often framed by tall mountains on three sides and winds its way to a lake at the fourth, which continues onward. The mountains cannot be climbed in the beginning, as they are the natural boundary for the realm, but the height of the mountains and types of vegetation are usually different for each realm. Waterfalls coming off the sides of the mountains are a common happening, beginning small and popping up more majestically as the realm evolves. What the valley contains is dependent on the individual realm. This realm brings forth lovely mountain energies, which many people greatly adore. Coupled with the natural greenness of the realm, the Valley category can leave quite an energetic impression.

What you want in your Spring realm is entirely up to you, but it must contain Green life to be in tune with Spring’s power. Green life is the most important aspects of the realm, as it serves as a direct conduit for Spring, so the appearance of lush vegetation is a must. This vegetation does not need reign without room for anything else but it must be thoughtfully incorporated, if you are going to be putting effort into describing its form. Villages, castles, and other sorts of structures can exist and evolve alongside the realm. The green life does not need to be traditional either. Flowers, leaves, and other plant features can be made of light, stained glass, crystal, fire, etc. Likewise for structures and mountains, if you want a valley. Nothing needs to be conventional, so long as it is tapping into the base power of spring.

Furthermore, the realms can be subdivided into smaller, specific areas. There can be traditional plants in one area and themed plants in others. These areas can be created as it grows or even pop up on their own. Themed areas contain their own power, which can be tapped into, but it also adds to the power of the realm as a whole. You do not have to have any unusual or especially dramatic areas. Unique powers will find ways to manifest in your realm regardless.

Additionally, three tiers exist for this listing. The main differences are size and the amount of beings that can reside in it at once. For most, I suggest getting the first tier. It offers delightful energy and is easier to work with and experience due to its smaller size. While the other tiers offer more in terms of space and complexity, they are more difficult to work with for these same reasons. Putting the work in will pay off but satisfying results may not be as immediate. Below is a detailed list of what each tier offers.

Tier I - This tier offers an occupancy of roughly 10. This occupancy limit will be rising shortly after its creation. The total accessible area is about half an acre, often divided into two to three smaller areas with unique features and energies. Your awareness will first be drawn to one of these areas, expanding outward to the others with time and effort. I highly recommend this tier for those less experienced with astral travel because it is small, allowing for more of it to be experienced at once with a shorter time to acclimate to its energy. This tier serves more as a meditative, cleansing space where you can come to focus and unwind, or have some enjoyable experiences with your companions. Think of it like your own secret clubhouse.

Tier II - This tier offers an occupancy of roughly 100 in any one space. This occupancy limit shall slowly grow, as opposed to the more rapid occupancy growth of the first tier. However, if you have a lot of companions, this growth will be accelerated so it can better accommodate them and their needs. This tier focuses on creating personal spaces for your companions. While only 100 can be in the main space, the realm shall create a smaller subrealm for each one of your spirit and entity companions. These personal realms have a much lower occupancy but companions can have a small audience or gathering, around 10. They determine what the space looks like initially. Anything is possible so long as it taps into the main power and theme of the main realm. Additionally, features begin to bud and develop. While they may happen in the first tier, it is more common in this tier. Features offer unique powers and influences for you, your companions, and whoever else you allow to walk within it. Potential features are small rejuvenating springs, crystal pillar groves, a path of flowers with specific energies, a group of creatures, or a small building of some sort. This tier works well with those who wish to give something back to their spirit family or who intend to spend more time in their realm. I advise it for those who are more experienced.

Tier III - This tier offers an occupancy limit of around 500 to 700 in its main central space. Each personal realm for a companion has a larger limit, largely dependent on the companion’s personality and preferences. 50 is a common occupancy limit for these smaller personal realms. Additionally, the personal realms interconnect to each other, forming their own network that does not necessarily feed directly back to the central realm space. This means a being could travel from personal realm A to personal realm D without having to use the central realm like a crossroads of sorts. This interconnectedness allows for greater bonding and synergy among among your companions, which can result in numerous beneficial effects. More powerful features are more common and features in general are more numerous, growing from a combination of wants, needs, and the energetic ties of the beings that roam your realm, including yourself. For instance, a small mountain rich with vibrant and verdant draconic energies can form if your dragons love to wander your realm and call forth its power for certain things. The new feature allows them to make even better use of the realm’s power. This tier is for those that are advanced in their sensing and have a greater understanding and the ability to differentiate types of energy. As this tier is large and vibrant, someone with weaker or less controlled senses could become overwhelmed or lost in trying to deal with the realm, leading to frustration and long bouts with relatively little growth. Choose carefully if this tier interests you as it could be too much.

As mentioned, the Immortal Realms grow and evolve, so know that whatever tier you purchase, there is still much growth for a realm to do. They shall continue to grow, much in an organic way like a plant. They also do not grow linearly, meaning a Tier I might adapt traits from Tier II and III rather then grow through II to III. An example of this is developing personal companion realms that are innately connected rather than developing the realms and then the connections. Additionally, regardless of Tier, each Spring Realm seeks to connect to the immortal essence of vitality, essentially the the vitality of eternity. It is the core essence of that which begets life which begets life which begets life, ad infinitum. The heart of the chain of life, that which eternally creates and begins anew. As the realm gets nearer to this connection, their details become wildly vivid, richer, and more intense. After this connection is attained, the Spring Realm has become part of something much greater, adding its own part to the ever expanding chain of creation in the multiverse. The potential benefits of this are immense, but know that each realm works towards it in their own time.

You may choose which category you’d most like or leave that for Demeter to decide. It is possible to have a realm with two or all three of the categories fused, but this is easier to accomplish at Tier II and Tier III. I suggest leaving Tier I realms as a single pure category, but it is up to you. Other gods and goddesses may step forward to bring forth their influence into the realm or shape it in some unique way. I do not have say over how this happens, but you may ask to have certain Immortals step forward. It is up to them if they choose to. It takes a bit of time for the realms to be ready and for me to become acclimated enough to channel them. While I hope to shorten the length of this process, presently it takes at least four to five months for me to complete my work with them. A PDF is supplied with the details when it is complete.

Please email me at immortal.conjures@gmail.com or leave me notes regarding what you would like. Also, I must know how you would like it bound. The options are to your spirit or to an object you own that you’d like to serve as a vessel.

Legal Note: I have forced by law to state that this should be thought of as for entertainment purposes only.

Listing Name and Description © 2019 Azure’s Immortal Conjures, All Rights Reserved.
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