
PreConjured Basic Sinister Scarecrow - Stalwart Sam - Miniature Battalion

  • PreConjured Basic Sinister Scarecrow - Stalwart Sam - Miniature Battalion
$45.00 inc. tax
Product Code: PC - Scarecrow - Stalwart Sam
Product Condition: New
PreConjured Basic Sinister Scarecrow - Stalwart Sam - Miniature Battalion
This Sinister Scarecrow is named Stalwart Sam. Stalwart Sam has been created by Hypnos, Ares, and Hermes.

Stalwart Sam appears as a tiny green army toy that patrols the perimeter of an area. He dutifully marches along the boundaries of his designated area, and if the area is on the larger side, he may drive around in a little toy tank. The strangeness of his appearance may tip off more intelligent threats, but for less intelligent ones, he looks quite vulnerable. He gives a feeling of ignorance and obliviousness in order to further provoke an attack.

When a threat occurs, Stalwart Sam sends up a flare. Copies of him emerge around him, often from out of bushes, under rocks, and behind any large enough objects that are nearby. They fire with tiny weapons and tanks. With every bit of ammunition that hits converted into energy that is used to create more Stalwart Sams who will continue the assault. As they continue pummeling a threat, their attacks go from annoying to stinging to painful to shredding. If the enemy refuses to retreat, the attacks of Stalwart Sam will begin to rip into their energy, causing lasting damage.

When the enemy flees, all the Stalwart Sams will hide except from the lone patroller, laying in wait for another attack. Over successive attacks, Stalwart Sam will continue to grow stronger, putting up an ever greater defense and multiplying with ever greater numbers.

As a Basic Sinister Scarecrow, Stalwart Sam works solely to perform his function. He has no true personality, likes, or dislikes. He only seeks to accomplish his duty of protection. He must be directed as to what space he is protecting. Smaller spaces may be ideal in the beginning, but as he strengthens, he will be better at patrolling larger spaces.

Because Stalwart Sam is a Basic Sinister Scarecrow, there are actually multiple in stock. If it is of interest, he can be upgraded into a Standard Sentient or Specialize Sentient Scarecrow. Stalwart Sam can also be used as a template for a custom conjuration through the Sinister Scarecrow listing if you like his design but want to tweak it. Something like scifi soldiers with laser guns, miniature cowboys, or tiny roman soldiers are all possible.

Stalwart Sam is light Dark Arts.

Sinister Scarecrow Tiers
Sinister Scarecrows come in two types: Basic and Sentient. Basic Scarecrows perform their duties without fail but do not perform anything beyond that. They are largely nonsocial but you can easily know when they are around and what they are doing. Sentient Scarecrows have a lot of personality, are capable of shapeshifting, and may hold powers beyond patrolling. For fun, Ive included two tiers for the Sentient Sinister Scarecrows: Standard Sentient Sinister Scarecrows and Specialized Sentient Sinister Scarecrows. Aside from a difference in power, the Specialized tier offers more variety in their capabilities, the forms they can take, and the amount of interaction they are capable of. Specialized Scarecrows are something intended for those who enjoy the darkness of the Sinister Scarecrow and would like them to be more of an everyday companion rather than on patrol, or on patrol and checking in every once in awhile.

Legal Disclaimer: I am forced by law to state that this listing should be considered as 'For Entertainment Purposes' only.
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