Zeus' Sparky Hedgehog Zeus' Sparky Hedgehog
The Sparky Hedgehog is a powerful yet adorable little electrified entity that is created by Zeus. They have wonderful powers despite their tiny cute exterior! They hold a lot of energy inside their little bodies and they can use this to create an energetic atmosphere that can aid in easier manifestation...
Zeus' Levintans Zeus' Levintans
Zeus Levintans charismatic and loyal entities created by Zeus. They are both defenders and lovers for their keepers. They fit in perfectly with the Knight in Shining Armor personality type, and enjoy making their keepers feel protected, loved, and secure. They tend to be of a highly loyal and noble sort,...
Zeus Thunderhawk Zeus Thunderhawk
Zeus Thunderhawks are powerful hawk-like beings who resonate with the energies of lightning and electricity. They carry a ton of energy and their very presence can sometimes feel so physical that you can almost touch them. They are a very regal sort of being that can appear in a variety of colors and...
Zeus' Cloud Nymph Zeus' Cloud Nymph
The Cloud Nymphs are created by Zeus and represent the various elements of the clouds and atmosphere. They are ethereal beings who can be quite light and lofty in their energy signature, but this does not mean that they cant be dark. There are many elements of clouds and the atmosphere that can be quite...
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